When Carter starts abusing him, he begins to feel crushed by the weight of it all. He could smell it- and he wasnt sure whether it was psychosomatic or not, but to him it felt very real. And sure, he could take a bit of the chemical from school, but it was nerve racking, and totally stealing, and-. He decided to be a grownup and actually mentor the young man to help him stay a kid and not a warrior. Tonys blood smelt like copper and metal and it was all over his hands. And the new group of heroes is a rag-tag, loosely-knit, disaster-prone team wh. Tony was a man who needed a friend but just kept on going no matter the pain. Tony finds outcue the Irondad moments. It was unavoidable that they would argue eventually. Having been raised and primed by HYDRA since before his birth, he existed only to be a weapon. The classic Peter Parkers Field Trip to Stark Industries fic with a twist. Later, when Peter was older, he would look back on his childhood of tumult and chaos and think that there had never been anything like it. Work Search: trans peter rec list Sam/Tony fics.Title is from "Hold My Hand" by the Fray. The only question is How? Peter gets hit by a de-aging weapon and turns into a two-year-old, and must rely on Tony (who thinks he has no idea how to take care of a child) and others until he can be returned to normal, if that's even possible. Nobody knows where Thor's poptarts keep going. A Venom-driven storyline usually springs from these two relationships and they're fairly easy to challenge. Work Search: God, what he would do to let anyone remember. She still made him tell her everything he did (usually he understated everything dangerous, and overplayed the cat-in-tree angle, but he knew she knew he was doing it, and it seemed to work for them) and waited up every night he was out, but there was less tension in her face. Born with glowing green eyes. thanks! Did Tony Stark have a spy network that kept breaking into his house? Unfortunately, that included Peter Parker. ), (Part 2 of I think his name was Peter?, can be read as stand-alone). Surprisingly, Tony was having a good day, a very good one. And if Mays happy, then Peter is happy. Or: Peter's alone in the apartment when he discovers an enemy Spider-Man can't defeat: a global pandemic. and how Steve could possibly know about kid? The CCTV footage of Tony and Steve's fight is released to the world. Aka, the fic where Peter self-isolates with Tony and the rest of the Avengers in Stark Tower, gets incredibly bored, and makes a Twitter. The other Avengers stared, confused. Two. avengers fanfiction peter intern meets team cap avengers fanfiction peter intern meets team cap Three years have passed since that night on the Statue of Liberty. He got up and moved to get the teen up. by Webtrinsic. The Rogue Avengers have come home and Tony introduces them to Peter - not Spider-Man. Peter Parker is dead, now it's time for something worse to rise from his grave and take revenge for the death of Peter Parker, while making new allies and stopping extra-terrestrial threats. FRI, give me a display of all files, would ya? Tony asked, as he fiddled with one of his gauntlets down in the lab. They were pretty good teams, Peter figured as he looked around, and he actually found that he was getting quite excited. Tony asked. IronDad Bingo Fic #1Trope: Protective Peter Parker. In fact, they are still very much alive and very much want to meet their newly adopted grandson, Peter. She wasnt happy with it, but she wasnt trying to stop him either. Hey! Tony gets angry and punishes Peter. tonystephen rec list anyways, i limited this to one fic per author and didnt let myself include whole series (i.e. Whooping Cough, she said. and found a paper bag on his bed with Supplies, use responsibly TS written on it. No its not, Ned. Peter thought he was doing pretty good. dont be suspicious @avg-si-internI recognize that the council has made a decision, dont be suspicious: @avg-si-internbut given that its a stupid ass decision Ive elected to ignore it. 60 Peter stared down at the phone, a shot of adrenaline making his fingers tremble. Disjointed memories and hazy feelings. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. He decided to play it civil, thinking it would save everyone trouble in the long run. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. "This is your fault," Peter accused, Tony let out a hard wheeze. A series of fics set post Civil War. tip: buffy gen teen AND "no archive warnings apply". dont forget to comment and leave kudos. Civilians still missed the old Spidey and because of this Harley hates Peter and constantly bullies him. My aunt is being really cool about things now. ily, thanks for asking and your lovely words x, endgame Erratumby itsjennasaisquoi Nobody knew of Captain America's return. Then he could move on and ask how the hell he entered the building. Steven could however never have guessed that his counterpart made such a mess of everything. So theyre coming back to New York? Peter asks, and Tony gives him a look. However, present-day Tony simply eyed Rogers tattered up suit, Wandas tear-stained face, Clints dirty clothes, and Barnes hollow eyes, then decided it wasnt even worth his effort, they looked so broken down already, and it wasnt Tonys style to kick someone who was already down. Ava Welters has always wondered who her soulmates were she started to give up all of her friends ha. He could manage his dysphoria and was on the way to relieve a whole lot of it. This is a series of stories where Tony and Peter help each other, protect each other and heal together. tip: buffy gen teen AND "no archive warnings apply", Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con, Underage, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (4), The Avengers (Marvel) - All Media Types (5), Tony Stark Acting as Peter Parker's Parental Figure (7), Alternate Universe - College/University (3), Hard Times (Gonna make you wonder why you even try), Tony Stark Acting as Peter Parker's Parental Figure, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, I Wish We Were All Rose Colored Too (My Rose colored boy), Harley Keener & Peter Parker & Pepper Potts & Tony Stark, Harley Keener & Peter Parker & Tony Stark, Tony Stark Acting as Harley Keener's Parental Figure, Pepper Potts Acting as Peter Parker's Parental Figure, Pepper Potts Acting as Harley Keener's Parental Figure, The Avengers Can't Concentrate On Two Children At The Same Time, James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers/Tony Stark, Clint Barton/Laura Barton/Natasha Romanov, Bucky Barnes Acting as Peter Parker's Parental Figure, Not Captain America: Civil War (Movie) Compliant, James "Bucky" Barnes/Harley Keener - past, Peter Parker is Tony Stark's Biological Child, Michelle Jones & Ned Leeds & Peter Parker. "Welcome to my Parlor. hi!! 25 Feb/23. Tony sighed, it was Sleepy Pete. . He lifted the phone to his ear, listening to the dialing tone with anxious anticipation. maybe he gets berated by an adult like steve, etc. Tony, Steve, Sam, and Clint love to tease Peter about being cute and cuddly. Please. He did the only thing he knows how to do well: he fixed things, he pulled out the fires, he covered their mistakes and payed for the things they broke. The Avengers have faced many villainous foes. The tall man never seemed cruel, but he was terrified of what horrors lurked below the surface. Which he was pretty sure it returned from its place by the elevator. Some of these will be AUs, Ships (mostly Peggysous), etc. Peter has enough of the avengers yelling at him. did i mention that the science in this is really really wrong? Asks for rec lists and lost fics are.closed! Right, he said finally, lowering the phone and staring at the number on the screen. Look, were hanging out., Real quality time, Tony huffs. S.H.I.E.L.D. "It's time to start anewrebuild the Avengers with new people. im really sorry but i dont really find fics on tumblr because of the different tagging/searching system. ily, thanks for asking x, Peter Parkers Top Surgery Support Group by stardustandswimmingpools series. Peter has tried to move on, and to put his life back together without the pieces of his old life getting in the way. tony acting as peter's parent The Avengers are dead. Peter presented as an omega two months ago. He opened the file, his brows furrowing. Peter had already accepted the fact that his luck was shit. Follow Peter while he tries to survive and keep up the act.Follow the Staff of Stark Industries while they navigate dealing with the Stark's unexpected announcements and new initiatives.Learn how Stark Industries is a community, the avengers, employees and friends. Yeah, sounds great! He yelled, running back into the living room, just in time to see Mr. Stark pull away from Strange. Still, Tony knew his the kid was brilliant. You cant take out your petty hatred for me on Bucky, its unfair., Petty? If you finish it., 5 times Peter is stuck with Tony by iron_spider, I wonder if Peppers reported me missing yet, Tony says, with an exaggerated sigh. Currently, Peter was wearing a sleeveless Spider-man shirt that has a hood on it, and grey sweatpants, so all the Avengers saw the muscles on this random 15-year-old kid (he's forever 15 in my mind). i was wondering if you knew of any fics that center about Tony's line to Steve in Endgame "I lost the kid." He jerked a bit before flopping his head to look at Tony. He's refrained from telling Tony, worried he'll look stupid in the eyes of his mentor, who's been through much worse than being depressed. (Namely, iron fists that don't stop to think about who they're hurting.). Wanda was the only one vaguely normal in the current situation. And if he knows, I think its rather safe to assume hed contact Cap and Friends, which means this absolute disgrace to technology should start ringing somewhere around real soon because Im definitely petty enough not to call him first-. AvidReaderOfAllWorks, Beccatt, bored1324idk, Chikn_wing, zamstar, ForestSable, rudy770, Dani2001Dogs, M_Jean, Dying_Fire_Lives, Arossa, gia390, yeonminnie, TheAnimeNerdball, gracton, alovely_day, Biassj, 28shadesoflarrie, Samulet2187, libby_grace_the_great, LivviBee, Bagheera95, jennadre, rosekara, corvidofchaos, Pikazuu, Grey_0000000000, YourFavFanficFan, PapillonSans, RaveDistress0, Mikethenobody14, flhbd, MuddyHappyDoggo, Neicy286, Ashleyparker2815, Fanficfan228, KageUsagi, Rosespi, Nikre, lamblamblamb, Belbelanne, htg12006, Louise_123, WaterSevenThorns, Blu0202, writerintheattic, SilentHuntress24, kihiie, wayward_mockingjay, Jabar, and 1121 more users But when the Rogues get tired of never catching Tony alone and decide to ambush him, Peter finds that he can't hold his tongue. Clint is slinking around in the ceiling vents one night when he comes across Peter Parker bleeding out. I wouldnt even know what to charge- I mean, whats the street value of a blow job, Ned? Peter knew that things changed in the five years that he was gone. The rules have changed and next time, the consequences will be explicit and extensive. Us, a few other trapped members of the general public, and a handful of animatronic pirates. A while ago someone sent you an ask about a fic where Peter has braces and is trying to hide them from Tony. They miscalculated.And now?Now Iron Man is out for revenge.The smart people will stay on his good side. Hell, he saw his brilliance nearly every day since he woke up from his coma. Just messing with me. Who knows? did you tell him thank you for the webbing stuff? Neds my best friend. But they pull through. On the same vein, I'd love any fics where Clint has trouble being accepted by the team-because he isn't sure how to behave around a group, or whatever-or is excluded/feels left out-cue avengers team feels : ) So their return was timed with the arrival of those two. Peter wasn't always on his own, not really. Avoid them when he can, and when he can't, put on a smile and pretend he doesn't hate them. How did you get this number? Please consider turning it on! Peter Parker screamed and the edges tore him to pieces.". The buzz of his phone against his fingers woke him, and he jerked half upright in the dark, heart pounding, before he realized where he was. Okay?" avengers fanfiction team hates bucky avengers fanfiction team hates bucky (No Ratings Yet) . I know he wasnt in control. He has a life-time of hate, of love, of sorrow and damn if he ain't gonna use it. But a part of him did. The sound sorta, uh, cut out. Peter asked nervously, and said nerves were confirmation enough for May. When May gets a promotion so she works days and Carter works nights, Peter finds it harder to deal. That is, adding Peter Parker, whom he found at a gas station last week and is brilliant and Tony already is emotionally attached to him. Ready or not, war is coming and nothing can delay the inevitable. "They were best friends and Peter always hung out with him. Mays boyfriend begins verbally and physically abusing Peter. ill update that post in 2 seconds. They left him for dead. It was a hole-in-the-wall type place with little seating, but they secured a table and ordered Waffles for Harley and the Frittata Challenge for Peter. SadTeam Cap gets shit explained to them, so they understand they are the ones in the wrong. The 'Peter Parker Feels Like He's Being Replaced When Harley Comes To Visit And Things Get A Little Angsty' trope, but starring Uncle Nick Fury and a chaotic SHIELD mission. he thought to himself before closing consciousness. I think the rides just broken, Peter says. But a select few know the truth. The world stopped, if only for moment, when Tony Stark left, all eyes, all cameras following that flying doughnut into the sky. Tony decided to ignore it. The other Avengers stared, confused. Hes also a part of the Avengers Pack, when packs are considered socially unacceptable and backwards. "Lmao, Wanda, this situation is so hilarious." im usually not really into angst but i like the trope of tony getting protective over his spider-kid, hi honey! When the compound is compromised and the Avengers are taken out of commission, Peter has to step in. Huh? 2. Chapter 3 Come on, come on, I dont have all day. He pointed an accusing finger at Tony, but um, not the pointer finger "Jeez kid, slow your roll," Tony chuckled, he heard the sharp intake of breath from Cap. Iron man; yes. Peter paused in the entrance way and gave the cloak a meaningful look. I promise you that. Tony gives Steve a call. Write by: . SHIELD pushed too far. . Peter isn't too happy when the recently pardoned Avengers show up at the compound, and it doesn't help the fact that they were talking to Mr. Stark the way they were either. Who was this kid? Work Search: In the aftermath of the events of Civil War, Tony must deal with the emotional and physical trauma left behind (and of being left behind by) Team Cap. I dont really know what to tell yall. His older brother. Id like to get it back open by the time far from home comes out but I started an internship last week so I dont have as much time as I did (2 rec lists a day is probably not going to be a common thing anymore). Really amazing piece that starts with action. (Imagine Uncle Ben trying to tell Peter its not his fault, but hes so close to dying that it sounds like Its.your fault.)."Yeah, sure, his parents died. He jerked a bit before flopping his head to look at Tony. do you know any good trans!peter fics? Tony sighed as the rest of the Avengers went to get up. Did May. "JARVIS, the avengers floor please." Phil requested calmly, completely unbothered with Peter's stare. His stomach started to burble with dangerous acid. He had met with the kid at the end of the morning, they had Italian for lunch, they had tinkered in the lab in the afternoon. Five times someone thought that Peter was Tony's biological son and one time everyone thought it. His kid needed sleep. Chapter 5 So is there any reason the future biggest nepotism baby of the generation is walking around empty dusty offices?- he asked him jokingly. In a powerless, damaged suit, in sub-zero temperatures. Rhodey realizes his mother-henning tendencies exceed even his own expectations. cassandra darling when will you tell the truthor. Bucky was returning to one of the small apartments Wakanda kept as safe houses in the States, when he was greeted by a tied-up teenager in the middle of his living room, staring at him with wide, panicked, deep brown eyes.--------------------------------------Bucky doesn't recognize the teenager someone has dropped off in his apartment, but that's not going to stop him from protecting Peter Parker at all costs. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Pepper Potts & Tony Stark & Original Character(s), Harley Keener & Peter Parker are Siblings, Harley Keener is Tony Stark's Biological Child, only briefly at the end but theyre important to me, shout out to mr. g the most iconic gov teacher, May Parker (Spider-Man) & Peter Parker & Tony Stark, Dude we're getting the band back together, Natasha Romanov Acting as Peter Parker's Parental Figure, Yelena Belova and Natasha Romanov are Siblings, Avengers Team & Peter Parker & Tony Stark, Pietro Maximoff & Wanda Maximoff & Peter Parker, Not Canon Compliant with Movie: Avengers: Age of Ultron (2015), Everyone but Peter Tony and Harley are really just background, Harry Potter & Sabrina Parker (OC) & Ron Weasley & Hermione Granger, Vincent Crabbe & Gregory Goyle & Draco Malfoy. Mouth suddenly dry, Peter swiped the screen to unlock, and the phone buzzed again as another message arrived.
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