Difference Between Catholic Bible and King James Bible In Eastern-rite usage, the doxology is recited in the liturgy after the Lord's Prayer; this is probably how the phrase crept into Eastern Greek mediaeval manuscripts of the New Testament. If the Bible has been changed over the years, can we still trust it? Yet this error is defended by KJV-only advocates as though it came from the pen of the apostle John himself. Here is a whole series of lecture on Bible translations by Dan Wallace, that answers this. Site design / logo 2023 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under CC BY-SA. Talk about what services you provide. Hopefully the words changed do not hinder the overall meaning of the message. A piece torn from a bit of satin is appended to the torn end of roll of homespun. It is present in A,,,13, and some Italic mss. Innovations in use of Chapter and Verse Numbers As the adage goes, Those who live in glass houses shouldnt throw stones.. Summary: of the 362 words in these twelve verses, the KJV has undergone 41 (forty-one) specific alterations. Brooke Foss Westcott & Fenton John Anthony Hort, Edward F. Hills (19121981), "The King James Version Defended: A Christian View of the New Testament Manuscripts" (1956). It is not present in the oldest manuscripts of Matthew, but there are versions that include it, so again it is a matter of judgement between the two sets of translators as to which text version is "better". Thats one-fifth the amount of changes that have occurred within the KJV NT itself. Why are some books missing from the KJV? | Bible.org It is possible that verse 48 was repeated by a copyist as an epistrophe, for an oratorical flourish. Reasons: The earliest resources including p47, , A,C, several minuscules, several Italic mss, the Vulgate, the Armenian and Ethiopic versions, and quotation in some early Church Fathers support "he stood" (or "it stood"). I could move it into the answer from the question.. Never mind, I guess Wikipedia isn't quite as clear as I thought it was, and it may not mean the chapter divisions were there from the beginning. Scrivener. In v. 24 the KJV reads, Ye blind guides, which strain at a gnat, and swallow a camel. The Greek verb means to strain out. I believe that the KJV of 1611 actually had this wording, but inexplicably changed it later to strain at. Some scholars argue that strain at is simply an archaic rendering of strain out. But, even if this is the case, few in the KJV camp today would interpret this phrase as strain out.7 Here is a place in which the KJV needs to be updated so that people can understand what is meant. The writers of the KJV changed words to suit the translation at the time. As it is missing in the very oldest resources and yet is identical to verses that remain, many editors seem confident in omitting its appearance here. But there is a difference in meaning: if it's masculine, then it's referring to a specific individual who is evil, "the evil one", but if it's neuter, then it means non-personified "evil" in general. Meditate on it day and night so you will be sure to obey everything written in it. The NKJV includes Alexandrian texts. 'Missing' Verses in Modern Translations (ESV, NIV, etc.) - Olive Tree From the Baptist perspective: Does Leviticus 20:13 prove that God is advocating for the murder of homosexuals? Reason: The passage in question is omitted from virtually all modern versions (including both Majority Text editions), frequently without even a footnote. How foolish of me. I would add that at the time of KJV, there were fewer if any old texts that lacked the phrase, but more recent discoveries give a stronger case to the newer translation. thou didst fast and weep for the child, while it was alive; but when the child was dead, thou didst rise and eat bread. What can the West do about the Islamic Problem? Second, this gentlemans own statistics show that the count of 100,000 could not possibly be attributable to font changes alone: if so, then there should be nearly 791,328 changes (according to this gentlemans word-count of the total words in the KJV [a number which, by the way, may include part of the Apocrypha1]). Henry Alford wrote, "The spuriousness of this controverted passage can hardly be questioned. "[52] The UBS gives this omission a confidence rating of A. Some of these lists of "missing verses" specifically mention "sixteen verses" although the lists are not all the same. If Scotts statistics are correct, to find more than one or two would be disturbing, and to find even a dozen or more would show that his data are fundamentally incorrect. KJV: (For of necessity he must release one unto them at the feast. The Reasons the Protestant Church excludes them is as follows: 1. Other critics have taken up the same whimpering cry. hebrew bible - Why do the KJV and BHS have a different number of Yet other ancient sources include this longer ending but mark it with asterisks or other signs or notations indicating the copyists had doubts about its authenticity, most notably 1 and several minuscules (all twelfth century or later), according to the UBS notes and Bruce Metzger. 6. NIV - The translators are quoted as saying that their goal was to create an "accurate, beautiful, clear, and dignified translation suitable for . you will not . Why is the Lord's Prayer different in the NIV and KJV? It does not appear here in any New Testament ms prior to the end of the 6th century.[17]. Browse other questions tagged, Like any library, Christianity Stack Exchange offers great information, but, Start here for a quick overview of the site, Detailed answers to any questions you might have, Discuss the workings and policies of this site. Pastor, Please forgive me to use the words, "Penises." "), the Greek words suggest that the sentence is incomplete. Why is the Lord's Prayer different in the NIV and KJV? why does the kjv have extra verses - bouwers.co.za The first Greek Church Father to mention the pericope in its familiar place was Euthymius, of the 12th century. Many, for example, wish to claim that inspiration did not cease with the death of the last apostle but continued on with the wording of the Greek text that Erasmus, the Roman Catholic scholar, published. This, indeed, is one reason why the vast bulk of biblical scholars reject the KJV as the best translation available today and why they reject its underlying Greek text as being identical with the original: errors in the transmissional process have always taken place, and a great number of them are self-evident in the KJV tradition. For example, verse 9 says Jesus appeared to Mary Magdalene on "the first day of the week", yet verse 2 said that same day Mary Magdalene did not see Jesus. Indeed, the words of the Holy Ghost are very appropriate here - The words of the LORD are pure words: as silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times. Psalm 12:6. It was not included in the earliest English versions it is missing from Wycliffe, Tyndale, the Great Bible, the Geneva, the Rheims, and the Bishops Bible, and it apparently first appeared in the KJV. Luke 6:38 - Give, and it shall be given unto you . Most of us have the Bible on our devices and phones. For he was a Jew, and as he came from the temple of the Lord he was reading the prophet Isaiah," (Cyprian)[35] and is found in the Old Latin (2nd/3rd century) and the Vulgate (380400). This pericope was framed with marks of doubt in Johann Jakob Wettstein's 1751 Greek New Testament and some earlier Greek editions contained notes doubting its authenticity. This verse was omitted from the Revised Version and most modern versions, but many versions include it in a footnote. It only takes a minute to sign up. 22 But I tell you that anyone who is angry with a brother or sister will be subject to judgment. KJV: 5 And he said, Who art thou, Lord? Reason: It is possible that this verse is a repetition of Matthew 24:40. Third, since this gentleman has included rather minor changes (which I also assumed to be part of the 100,000 changes)specifically, printing errors, spelling standardization, and a few minor phrase changes (though he considers these to be among the biggest of the 421 changes), we can proceed on his definition of an alteration. Greek Orthodox Churches. Metzger speaks of the "inconcinnities" [sic] between the first 8 verses of chapter 16 and the longer ending, and suggests, "all these features indicate that the section was added by someone who knew a form of Mark that ended abruptly with verse 8 and who wished to supply a more appropriate conclusion. Although the longer ending appears in 99 percent of the surviving Greek mss and most ancient versions,[85] there is strong evidence, both external and internal, for concluding that it was not part of the original text of the Gospel. For example, in the Greek Orthodox Liturgy, they have NEVER read from the Book of Revelation. why does the kjv have extra verses - songwanjiashipin.com Uncategorized KJV: For the Son of man is come to save that which was lost. "[86], The preceding portion of chapter 16 tells how Mary Magdalene and two other women came to the tomb, found it opened and Jesus's body missing, and were told by a young man in a white robe to convey a message to Peter and the other disciples, but the women fled and said nothing to anyone because they were frightened. Amen. Mark 11:26. What follows, which is met with seldom, [and only] in some copies, certainly not in all, might be dispensed with; especially if it should prove to contradict the record of the other Evangelists. How to react to a students panic attack in an oral exam? It is the fourth edition in the Biblia Hebraica series started by Rudolf Kittel and is published by the Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft (German Bible Society) in Stuttgart.The Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia the editors have "accordingly refrained from removing obvious scribal errors" (these have then been noted in the critical apparatus)[it] is meant to be an exact copy of the Masoretic Text as recorded in the Leningrad Codex.exception to that is the Rafe diacritic..One more difference to the Leningrad Codex is the book order, the Books of Chronicles have been moved to the end as it appears in common Hebrew bibles, even though it precedes Psalms in the codex.". There is power in the Word and we need to keep that in mind when reading and studying the Word of God. ', Last edited on 24 February 2023, at 00:55, Today's English Version (the Good News Bible), personal reflection, personal essay, or argumentative essay, Learn how and when to remove this template message, An Historical Account of Two Notable Corruptions of Scripture, http://www.asureguidetoheaven.org/onebible.pdf, "Missing Verses & changed words in modern Bibles compared to the KJV? The word is a sort of conjunction and rarely occurs at the end of a sentence. My help cometh from the Lord, which made heaven and earth. While Mark has no proper ending, these verses have no proper beginning. The King James Bible Removed Verses | Matthew J. Korpman Why is Matthew 6:13 different in the NIV that some other translations? And we know it's the original one. ), (The Good News Bible, as a footnote, gave this as: At every Passover Festival Pilate had to set free one prisoner for them. I'm aware that Jews adopted the Christian chapter divisions. So the earliest one might be able to find, for the deviation may be Arias Montanus, unless one can find Rabbi Solomon Ben Israel's bible. Amen. This list was finally approved by Pope Damasus I in 382 AD, and was formally approved by the Church Council of Rome in that same year. This verse is said by Naaman's wife's servant and is in reference to Naaman, not God. To be sure, these changes are not particularly significantbut this has been admitted by both sides. Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers. The NIV translators simply made a different call from those who translated the KJV. Burgon also found a patristic comment previously attributed to Gregory of Nyssa (of the late fourth century), but which he suspected was more likely written by Hesychius of Jerusalem (middle of the fifth century) or Severus of Antioch (middle sixth century), again answering the same sort of query, and saying, "In the more accurate copies, the Gospel according to Mark has its end at 'for they were afraid.' And in response to curiousdanni's comment regarding the relationship between the WLC,BHS,and the LC.. So the phrase is absent from the text of most modern translations (though it might be noted in a footnote). why does the kjv have extra verses - paperravenbook.com Bishops Westcott and Hort describe the original (RV) reading as "the obscure and improbable language of the text as it stands. (recent revisions), sfn error: no target: CITEREFMetzger1964 (. why does the kjv have extra verses - halogensecurity.com ", Romans 16:24: "The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. I have now spent five years studying Gods Word and am more inquisitive than ever before. (2 Samuel 12:20) Then David arose from the earth, and washed, and anointed himself, and changed his apparel, and came into the house of the LORD, and worshipped: then he came to his own house; and when he required, they set bread before him, and he did eat. Do new devs get fired if they can't solve a certain bug? [139], Some scholars have suggested that the pericope is not written in the same style as the rest of the Fourth Gospel, and have suggested it is written more in the style of the Gospel of Luke, a suggestion supported by the fact that the 13 manuscripts actually put the pericope into the Gospel of Luke. Early Church Fathers did not mention this verse, even when gathering verses to support the Doctrine of the Trinity. The early church fathers only accepted the thirty-nine books of the Old Testament. Those which contain it vary much from each other." ncdu: What's going on with this second size column? A completely different word is used here than that in verse 15, but the KJV translates both as "according to." It should say, "in proportion to" twice in this verse. But with the money making skills of modern translators, there are . Psalm 121:1-3. Catholic Bible 101 - The Bible-73 or 66 Books Stack Exchange network consists of 181 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. The King James Bible vs. the Catholic Bible - The KJV Store At about the same time someone else made in other manuscripts the addition of verses 16:24 and 16:2527. The RSV edition of 1947 ends its main text at verse 8 and then in a footnote provides this ending with the note that "other texts and versions" include it; but the revised RSV of 1971 and the NRSV reverted to the practice of the RV. How to Choose a Translation for All Its Worth by Fee & Strauss. Apparently Tischendorff's 1841 Greek NT was the first printed edition to omit this clause. Site design / logo 2023 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under CC BY-SA. why does the kjv have extra verses July 1, 2022 why does the kjv have extra verses . The translators claim at least 40000 mistakes in the KJV. I have on the wall in my study two leaves from the 1611 editionthe first editionof the King James Bible. However some other, equally old resources, such as the C codex, and several cursives, change one word to make the verse read, "Notwithstanding it pleased Silas that they should abide there still. Why do many companies reject expired SSL certificates as bugs in bug bounties? Why does Mister Mxyzptlk need to have a weakness in the comics? If you preorder a special airline meal (e.g. An additional complication is that no such ", Textus Receptus editions differ among themselves for the inclusion of the. This averages out to one change per 8.83 words. In addition to this, there is the fact that Greek Orthodox Churches (especially) have a more fluid (less formal or legalistic) notion of how the idea of a "canonical book" should be applied. Mark 9:46. Answer: 1 John 5:7 belongs in the King James Bible and was preserved by faithful Christians. KJV - The target audience or the KJV is aimed at the general populace. [74] The 18th century Bible scholar, Johann David Michaelis, wrote (c.1749), "[This] long passage has been found in not a single Greek manuscript, not even in those which have been lately [ca. In some copies, however, this also is added 'Now when He was risen early [on] the first day of the week, He appeared first to Mary Magdalene '." Answer. Using Kolmogorov complexity to measure difficulty of problems? Only 421 changes to the KJV equals an average of one change per 1880 words. 2 demerits. It is nowadays widely accepted that these are the last remaining verses written by St. "[70] The verse in Luke does differ from the contexts of the similar verses at Matthew 27:15 and Mark 15:6, where releasing a prisoner on Passover is a "habit" or "custom" of Pilate, and at John 18:39 is a custom of the Jews but in its appearance in Luke it becomes a necessity for Pilate regardless of his habits or preferences, "to comply with a law which never existed. Even now, more than four centuries after its publication, the King James Bible (a.k.a. If a law is new but its interpretation is vague, can the courts directly ask the drafters the intent and official interpretation of their law? What video game is Charlie playing in Poker Face S01E07? 1 According to the software program, Accordance, the KJV has 585, 761 words in the 39 books of the Old Testament that are accepted by Protestants as canonical; the KJV has 180,376 words in the New Testament.This comes out to a total of 766,137 words, or 25,191 words shorter than the number provided by Scott. KJV: And Philip said, If thou believest with all thine heart, thou mayest. Amen. Though verse numbers were used by convention for centuries, no one had thought to include these numbers on the printed page of the bible. Reasons: The shorter version is found in very early manuscripts, although the longer version is used by most Latin manuscripts, which is why it is also present in early English translations. The Shorter Ending does not contradict this, but the Longer Ending, in verse 9, immediately contradicts this by having Jesus appear to Mary Magdalene while in Jerusalem, and in verse 12 to two disciples apparently not yet in Galilee. If, on the other hand, there are 100,000 changes to the KJV, that averages out to one out of nearly eight words (1:7.91328 is the precise ratio), or 45.745 words.2 Thus, if my statistics are correct, we should expect to find one or more instances per verse, on average, and a grand total in the double digits. It is likewise wanting in the Complutensian edition; but it was inserted by Erasmus [translating it from the Latin Vulgate], and upon his authority it has been adopted by the other editors of the Greek TestamentThis passage then, which later editors have copied from Erasmus, and which is contained in our common editions, is not only spurious, but was not even taken from a Greek manuscript. He had details and, though I would say that the tone of his letter was certainly less than charitable, I thought that the content needed some investigation. That is perfectly sure. However, its recurrence as verse 24 is not so well supported. [50] Eberhard Nestle, writing in Germany at the end of 19th century, said, "The fact that it [the Comma Johanneum] is still defended even from the Protestant side is interesting only from a pathological point of view. I have found the relationship to be the following https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leningrad_Codex "The Westminster Leningrad Codex is an online digital version of the Leningrad Codex.transcribed from BHS". Thus the actual number of verses in the ESV is less than 31,103. Newer Protestant translations make use of a scholarly critical text of the New Testament. As it forms an independent narrative, it seems to stand best alone at the end of the Gospels with double brackets to show its inferior authority " Some English translations based on Westcott & Hort imitate this practice of appending the pericope at the end of the Gospel (e.g., The Twentieth Century New Testament), while others simply omit it altogether (e.g., Goodspeed, Ferrar Fenton, the 2013 revision of The New World Version). The only way one might be able to go further back is if we had the bible of Rabbi Solomon ben Ismael, mentioned earlier in this answer. Stack Exchange network consists of 181 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. For example, John 5:4 is included in the KJV, but in the NKJV the verse . They begin near the bottom of the second column of a verse, and are continued on the recto of the next folio." In several passages ( Numbers 23:22, 24:8; Deuteronomy 33:17; Job 39:9-10; Psalm 22:21, 29:6; Isaiah 34:7 ), the King James Version of the Bible mentions a unicorn. King James Bible - Daily Verse And Audio is a study tool. In his notes Erasmus says that he took this reading from the margin of manuscript 4ap (15th century) and incorporated it into the Textus Receptus. Go, and sin no more. peter macari age. What sort of strategies would a medieval military use against a fantasy giant? The quotation above uses the punctuation and capitalization of the original 1611 edition of the KJV.]. why does the kjv have extra verses - pozitivailem.az Since the first King James Bible rolled off the press in 1611 to the King James Bible you buy off the shelf today, there have been - are you ready - there have been a grand total of 421 word changes!
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