2007;210:63544. Wang et al. Electromagn Biol Med. More than 50% of miRNAs are found in cancer-associated regions of the genome or in fragile sites, suggesting that miRNAs also play important roles in the pathogenesis of neoplasias [96]. Neurologic and biochemical findings and CD4/CD8 ratio in people occupationally exposed to RF and microwave. Synaptic plasticity is a special function of synapses, which play an important role in learning and memory processes [46], including structural and functional plasticity. Nicholson RM, Kusne Y, Nowak LA, LaFerla FM, Reiman EM, Valla J. The results showed that gestational Wi-Fi exposure and restraint adversely affected offspring neurodevelopment and behavior in adulthood. However, most studies have not supported the conclusion that cell phones cause brain tumors [8,9,10,11,12]. The increase in M1 receptor gene expression along with the impairment of novel preferences in Wi-Fi-exposed animals may suggest a possible role of the cholinergic system in the detrimental effects of Wi-Fi radiation on multisensory integration [100]. 1984;5:6370. Microwaving Food Leads to a Negative Impact on Human Physiology & the Heart. 2004;48:46624. Toxicol Sci. Identification of a novel rat nr2b subunit gene promoter region variant and its association with microwave-induced neuron impairment. Dasdag S, Balci K, Ayyildiz M, Celik M, Tekes S, Kaplan A. It is widely accepted that protein synthesis occurs in neuronal dendrites and may be the cellular basis of learning and memory, during which local protein synthesis and synaptic plasticity are closely linked to the efficiency of communication between neurons. It influences both learning and memory in rats [67]. Synapses are special structures that are involved in the transmission of electrochemical signals between neurons in the central nervous system. Chin J Birth Health Hered. Oto R, Akda Z, Dada S, Celik Y. -amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-soxazole propionic acid, Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent protein kinases, Cross-modal visual-tactile object recognition, Digital enhanced cordless telecommunications/telephone, International agency for research on cancer, Miniature excitatory postsynaptic currents, Scientific committee on emerging and newly identified health risks. Oxidative stress refers to an imbalance between oxidants and antioxidants in vivo and is characterized by a biochemical state that tends toward oxidization, including the formation of oxygen free radicals (i.e., ROS) and nitrogen radicals reactive nitrogen species (RNS), which play major roles in oxidation. [1] used 10 freely moving rats in which carbon electrodes were implanted in the cortex and dorsomedial hypothalamus. Sareesh et al. In 2011, the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) announced that microwave radiation has potentially carcinogenic effects (2B). Radial arm maze performance of rats following repeated low level microwave radiation exposure. Nature. Front Neurosci. Mortazavi SMJ, Taeb S, Dehghan N. Alterations of visual reaction time and short term memory in military radar personnel. A popular focus among researchers is the damage that microwave radiation causes in the central nervous system, in which it can impair learning and memory. Int J Radiat Biol. [58] exposed volunteers to microwaves at a frequency of 450MHz for 10 repeated intervals of 1min of irradiation and 1min off. Vecchio F, Babiloni C, Lizio R, Fallani FV, Blinowska K, Verrienti G, et al. Because the frequency of microwaves is sufficiently high that the energy is absorbed, the subsequent heating of tissue becomes its major mechanism, and most biochemical and physiological responses are temperature-dependent. For example, people who have used mobile phones for more than 10years have a clearly higher risk of brain tumors. CAS Military Medical Research 1990;39:13543. The rats in the study showed increases in spatial memory and glucose transporters, and this phenomenon indicated a corresponding increase in glucose uptake. This effect is similar to the decrease observed in NR2B in rats. Exposure of rat brain to 915 MHz GSM microwaves induces changes in gene expression but not double stranded DNA breaks or effects on chromatin conformation. Int J Radiat Biol. Chronic exposure to GSM 1800-MHz microwaves reduces excitatory synaptic activity in cultured hippocampal neurons. Appl Biochem Biotechnol. The role of microRNAs in cancer. Instead, the effects of exposure of hu-mans and other life forms must be deter-mined and used to set realistic permissi-ble exposure limits. 2015;36:4804. Qutob et al. Effects of electromagnetic fields emitted from W-CDMA-like mobile phones on sleep in humans. To investigate the effects of microwaves radiation on apoptotic activity, cell viability, and cell cycle progression, which can provide information about microwaves radiation effects on neural cells over the period from embryonic stages to infants. The acute effects of exposure to the electromagnetic field emitted by mobile phones on human attention. Stahlhut Espinosa CE, Slack FJ. CAS . Protein synthesis is necessary for dendritic spine proliferation in adult brain slices. J Neuro. Dendritic spines, which are small protrusions that extend from dendritic shafts, are also cellular compartments containing signaling molecules that are important for synaptic transmission and plasticity [88,89,90,91]. 2016;25:31827. Othman H, Ammari M, Sakly M, Abdelmelek H. Effects of prenatal exposure to WIFI signal (2.45 GHz) on postnatal development and behavior in rat: influence of maternal restraint. However, a recent report [3] published by the Scientific Committee on Emerging and Newly Identified Health Risks (SCENIHR) noted that discussions about the thermal and non-thermal effects are misleading. Evaluation of Psychologic parameters in people occupationally exposed to radiofrequencies and microwave. Zhao et al. Frei P, Poulsen AH, Johansen C, Olsen JH, Steding-Jessen M, Schz J. These results indicated that mobile phone exposure affected the acquisition of learned responses in Wistar rats. Mortazavi S, Rouintan M, Taeb S, Dehghan N, Ghaffarpanah A, Sadeghi Z, et al. 1994;10:13548. Behav Brain Res. The brain has been recognized as one of the organs that is most vulnerable to microwave radiation. 2013;42:428. Eur J Nucl Med Mol Imaging. Szmigielski S. Cancer risks related to low-level RF/MW exposures, including cell phones. 2015;91:42634. Joubert et al. PubMed The experimental rats were divided into six groups of 3 adult rats and 3 young rats in each group (with control, GSM alone and call-receiving subgroups in each group). Proliferation and apoptosis in a neuroblastoma cell line exposed to 900 MHz modulated radiofrequency field. Acetylcholine modulation of neural systems involved in learning and memory. Google Scholar. 2000;11:4135. To determine the precise dose-effect relationship between microwave radiation and its biological effects, further detailed studies must be performed. J Neuro-Oncol. Nuclear pyknosis and capillary congestion are also observed. 2012;3:3440. Verma et al. The hazard for human health from the electromagnetic radiations well be. Behav Brain Res. An increasing level of acetylcholine can increase the concentration of free calcium ions in synapses, but its concentration was decreased by 60% after exposure to microwave irradiation [117]. [83] found that long-term exposure to microwave radiation (typical mobile phone, at an SAR level range of 0.170.37W/kg for 3h daily for 8months, or wireless digital enhanced cordless telecommunications/telephone (DECT) base at an SAR level range of 0.0120.028W/kg for 8h/d for 8months) induced the synthesis of 143 proteins, including some neuronal function-associated proteins such as glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP), glial maturation factor (GMF), apolipo protein E, heat-shock protein, cytoskeletal proteins and some proteins that are associated with metabolism in the brain. One of the bad impacts a microwave has on humans, is that some of the acids in the food people put in the microwave, gets transformed into a type of acid which turns poisonous. . Li HJ, Peng RY, Wang CZ, Qiao SM, Yong Z, Gao YB, et al. Article Schmid MR, Murbach M, Lustenberger C, Maire M, Kuster N, Achermann P, et al. Antimicrob Agents Chemother. Eastern J Med. Wang H, Peng R, Zhao L, Wang S, Gao Y, Wang L, et al. This study concerns the effects of microwave on health because they pervade diverse fields of our lives. Finally, Hardell et al. This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (61571455). Effects of fetal microwave radiation exposure on offspring behavior in mice. Suhhova et al. Wang L, Hu X, Peng R. Influence of long-term microwave radiation on contents of amino acids and monoamines in urine of Wistar rats. Because a childs nervous system is growing and their head is more vulnerable to radiation energy, studies that have specifically addressed whether the nervous systems of children are more susceptible to electromagnetic radiation have been performed. However, there is little scientific evidence to demonstrate that children are more sensitive to electromagnetic radiation than adults [24, 25]. 2013;23:306. Medical and biological aspects of the effects of non-ionizing electromagnetic (EM) fields and radiation on human health . Previous studies have produced a large amount of information, and some progress has been made in theory, but the mechanisms have not yet been fully determined, and many points are still disputed. The transduction of a nerve impulse and the postsynaptic potential produced by it result in synaptic transmission. Mortazavi S, Tavakkoli-Golpayegani A, Haghani M, Mortazavi S. Looking at the other side of the coin: the search for possible biopositive cognitive effects of the exposure to 900 MHz GSM mobile phone radiofrequency radiation. PLoS One. Concurrently, in the hippocampus, acetylcholine can promote learning and memory [115, 116]. 2012;62:22336. 2015;51:15865. Megha et al. P Nat Acad. Above all, because of biases and variations in investigation methods, no conclusive evidence has been presented that microwaves cause cancer. They found that escape times were substantially decreased when the animals were trained while exposed to the phone. 2000;284:30017. radiations. Mitochondria morphologic changes and metabolic effects of rat hippocampus after microwave irradiation. Furukawa H, Singh SK, Mancusso R, Gouaux E. Subunit arrangement and function in NMDA receptors. Behav Brain Res. Article Johnson OL, Ouimet CC. Many intricate electrical activities occur in the central nervous system, including learning and memory, which are therefore vulnerable to electromagnetic radiation. [40] also repeated the experiment only and found that radial-arm maze performance in rats remained unchanged. Maternal exposure to Wi-Fi radio frequencies led to various adverse neurological effects in the offspring. [49] found that microwave radiation enhanced brain wave energy, decreased brain wave frequency, and increased the amplitude and power of delta frequency bands, indicating a decrease in learning ability [50,51,52,53]. 2014;53:22230. A large amount of heat can be generated to caused severe damage to the body. Resulting Effects on the Human Body. 2003;80:194210. In broadcasting, the sources of microwaves are mainly FM radio and TV broadcasting antennas, which produce frequencies ranging from 80 to 800MHz. Regional cerebral glucose uptake in the 3xTG model of Alzheimer's disease highlights common regional vulnerability across AD mouse models. 2015;148:150. Repeated exposure to low-level extremely low frequency-modulated microwaves affects cortex-hypothalamus interplay in freely moving rats: EEG study. 2008;49:16370. Xu et al. LTP induction involves a signal transduction cascade that includes the release of glutamate from synaptic vesicles, activation of NMDAR at postsynaptic membranes, entry of Ca2+, and activation of Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent protein kinases (CaM kinases) II, IV and mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) [71]. Xiong et al. Those who are accustomed to using their mobile phone ipsilaterally presented a probability that was twice that of people who dont [5,6,7]. Then that poisonous acid harms the kidneys and nervous system. 1 Microwave radiation may also lead to skin cancer/health problems when we are within the radius of a cell phone tower in a certain specified limited distance. pability of the body (thus, a thermal effect), whereas the standard of the U.S.S.R. and Poland are based upon the interaction of the microwave fields with the brain and central nervous system as measured by neurological or behavior effects. Effect of 900 MHz radio frequency radiation on beta amyloid protein, protein carbonyl, and malondialdehyde in the brain. These results explain the genetic mechanisms by which microwave radiation induces damage to learning and memory. Dasdag S, Akdag MZ, Aksen F, Bashan M, Buyukbayram H. Does 900 MHZ GSM mobile phone exposure affect rat brain? Standard devices used by military personnel that may pose electromagnetic hazards include radars and missile systems. : a biochemical study on mouse brain. J Radiat Res (Tokyo). Radiofrequency (RF) and microwave (MW) radiation are electromagnetic radiation in the frequency ranges 3 kilohertz (kHz) - 300 Megahertz (MHz), and 300 MHz - 300 gigahertz (GHz), respectively. The ionotropic receptors consist of NMDA receptors and non-NMDA receptors. Vakalopoulos C. The EEG as an index of neuromodulator balance in memory and mental illness. Blood biochemical parameters of the radio-link station. MicroRNAs and neurodegeneration: role and impact. NR2B plays a key role in LTP and was decreased from the 3rd to the 18th month post-treatment, and long-term exposure to high doses of radiation may therefore damage cognitive functions. A resting eyes-closed electroencephalogram was used to continuously record the results, which showed that there was an increase in the power of the , 1 and 2 frequency bands in the 0.303W/kg group and in the 2 frequency bands in the 0.003W/kg group. Microwaves are electromagnetic waves with frequencies ranging from 300MHz to 300GHz. Bad impacts a microwave has on our daily lives. A significant increase in ROS levels and DNA fragmentation were observed only after the astrocytes were exposed to modulated EMF for 20min, perhaps as a result of hyperstimulation of glutamate receptors. PLoS One. B. Cordless phones effect Cordless phone same worked like a mobile phone. Human short-term exposure to electromagnetic fields emitted by mobile phones decreases computer-assisted visual reaction time. PubMed 1999;9:3438. This study also revealed the dose-dependent relationship of the modulated microwave effect: decreasing the SAR 100-fold reduced the associated changes in the EEG by three- to six-fold and decreased the number of affected subjects but did not completely eliminate the effects. 1994;8:714. Resting state cortical EEG rhythms in Alzheimer's disease: toward EEG markers for clinical applications: a review.