September 2022 February 2012 Underestimating People & Misjudging Synastry, Synastry: The Astrological Study Of Love & Relationships. This in depth personalized Astrology reading can provide you with a 30 minute recording to get a clear idea of what the next 12 months has in store. Dates when Neptune was in Scorpio: Oct 19th, 1956, to Jun 15, 1957. Anyway, it said my Asc was at 0 Degrees of Gemini, but when I look at it on it still says 29 Taurus, not to change until late November. What does Neptune conjunct North Node mean? Nothing so upsets the normal indications drawn from the sign and ruler as the presence of Neptune. Therefore, Neptune is more of a collective symbol in the natal chart, unless he is linked to a sensitive point such as an angle or a personal planet through aspects, or if he is the ruler of the Ascendant, the Midheaven, or a stellium. In a group, people notice you quickly or may even watch you, mesmerized by your very being. It is also associated with intuition and spiritual enlightenment. In 2024, it will remain in Aquarius for more than seven months before returning to Capricorn for two and a half months . Pasteurs Hygeia is conjunct his North Node and IC angle in Aquarius. LEARN ASTROLOGY I am currently a progressed Aquarius. Septile - 7th harmonic aspect. Transit Neptune Conjunct Ascendant, Personalized Astrology reports and January 2015 The conjunction fell bang on my natal 9th house Mars. Why Planets Conjunct the Angles Are So Important Yep, sounds like me these days. Moon Conjunct Neptune Synastry: A Magical and Mystical Coexistence Everything that's new and intricate puts his mind to work, but as . This is an ideal time to reflect on your own uniqueness and how you contribute to this world. Cool stuff. August 2019 Me and my love interest have Venus trine Ascendant as well. Can anyone give anymore insight into our relationship. Uranus in 9th house Virgo square Ascendant. The most typical response to this transit is that you feel depressed, you might be lacking in self-confidence, you feel that your handle on life just broke. Aquarius is the sign of new age and revolutionary ideas. . 3 Planets in the first house, VENUS, SUN, and MERCURY. the planet Neptune, source. Power and control issues are a constant theme in your close relationships and can cause problems if you get too bossy. Required fields are marked *. The house the ruler of the 8th falls into in one's natal chart can be the area or sector of life in which a person may potentially die. We can ask ourselves what feeds our souls and what nourishes us most deeply. What signs is your progressed ascendant? Birthday Report Package Deluxe Transit Report 1 Year Get A Natal Chart ReportProgressed Chart Report Deluxe Asteroids Report Get A Solar Return Report Get A Lunar Return Report Child Natal Report 1 Year Transit Report Outer Planets, Find Your Soulmate Saturn Transit the 12th House Using Astrology To Get What You Want, Natal Charts vs Progressed vs Solar Or Lunar Returns, Jupiter Uranus: Truth Upended - Changing Worldview. Opposition - 2nd harmonic aspect. Sense of self, self-ego etc is hit. > My natal is gemini rising and now progressed to cancer. Natal Neptune Conjunct Ascendant ~ Social Sympathy - AstroMatrix What Does it Mean to Have Planets Conjunct the South Node in Synastry? Neptune trine Ascendant transit enhances your imagination and creativity. The sun is the first planet to rise and it semi-squares my p. moon, squares p. Mars, trines p. Saturn & p. MC and now widely is conjunct Pluto (10 degrees, which will continue to move closer over the next few years). September 2013 Chiron conjunct the Ascendant. When my pr. Dec 23 . Pluto in Aquarius - the Transition - Astrodienst My natal Libra balance goes one way or the other, say it or shut my trap. Where do our personal goals and ideals interplay with ideals for the collective? It is associated with dreams, inspiration, psychic receptivity and illusion. Using the Midheaven, the True Node and Saturn discover where your true potential and Career lies. It sucks. My man and I have Libra on the ascendant and have been told were an attractive and pleasant couple. Youre overflowing with creative energy and reject the hyper-realistic. October 2017 Predictions for the next decade - LinkedIn November 2021 neptune conjunct ascendant in aquarius. I enjoyed moving from Capricorn to Aquarius. Its still in Scorpio and everyone knows Ive got a knife. 10 Dec 2017. If there are no South Node Aspects between the two of you and only . January 2023 Hygeia is the 4th largest Asteroid in mass and volume after Ceres, Vesta, and Pallas. You may also have strong intuitive abilities around others intentions. Designed to help you in the 1 minute it takes to read them. Neptune rules your intellect and imagination. . I've heard of Algol and it's a very scary sign. Apparently I am 11 degrees Aquarius for my progressed ascendant. Scorpio Moon and/or in House 4 (or Pluto in . July 16, 2021. This slow-moving planet's transits are long-lasting, and each transit takes its time to unfold. Especially with Jupiter at a critical degree in this house. Since Pluto will be making its way through Capricorn, the cardinal signsCapricorn, Aries, Libra and Cancermight feel its presence a bit more. The Neptune square Neptune (40 to 42) transit takes place immediately after the Pluto square Pluto transit; sometimes they overlap, depending on when you were born. Using the Midheaven, the True Node and Saturn discover where your true potential and Career lies. The chart can describe what the best strategies are to maintain wellness for each individual at particular times. I am a natal Aries, but went from progressed Pisces to Aries Asc. February 2014 This aspect indicates a relationship that is constantly moving forward. November 2022 You will receive an email within 24 hours please check spam folder. Saturn conjunct the Ascendant. Get your head out of the clouds by grounding your ideas and opinions in positive knowledgeespecially if it's in the medical field and/or radiology . Pluto alters body form in line with the tendency of the ascendant sign: Gemini, Sagittarius and Pisces increase height; Cancer, Virgo and Capricorn shorten height, and Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius thicken body form. Find out with a personalized birth report . Your email address will not be published. Jupiter will spend the first part of 2023 in Aries, its a great time to start new projects and adventures, especially if you have Aries placements. March 2015 Solar return with neptune on the ascendant | Astrologers' Community ; no difference in response to me. ALL in capricorn, other than the sun, which is in aquarius, but still in the first house. Neptune brings an other-worldly component to the thought processes that can greatly enhance the ability for idealism, imagination, and fantasy. Aquarius is a happy go-lucky, alliance like sign. However the moon is in Aries, flares up and sees red and Mars puts out that fire. Strangers would turn their heads and look like wtf when they saw us. The last Uranus Neptune conjunction was in 1993 at 19 Capricorn. Suffice to say, Pisces is more alienated and disconnected in my experience than Aquarius. With this reading you receive. January 2021 If you have the Sun conjunct Ascendant aspect, you get noticed. First House Planets - Neptune Conjunct The Ascendant Celebrities She was the goddess/personification of health, cleanliness and hygiene. Hunting big game, figuratively speaking? The Uranus Neptune conjunction in the natal chart means your ingenuity and curiosity guide all your actions. The Moon and the 4th house relate to motherhood, female influence, and female anatomy. People who have Pluto in the First House often possess some kind of inexplicable magnetism. Let me tell you, it is damn difficult following rules right now. Find out important dates in 2022 that can be a improve your relationships, career opportunites and health considerations. Ruler, Venus is in Libra. Designed to help you in the 1 minute it takes to read them. Not quite like scorpio rising intensity, though. two of the smartest people I know. You can appear to others as completely different from how you've been, donning a new persona and vision . November 2013 which has its Moon at 3 Aquarius and . Oops, I read the title as progressed moon, not ascendant I was just SO excited about my moon that thats where my head went! Neptune represents dreams, fantasies, addictions, spirituality, and compassion. Doing a composite of someone who I may be interested in dating a modest interest has been directed toward me (Capricorn is his personal rising sign) Our Composite shows me a Grand Trine with Scorpio Asc, Uranus/Leo/MC, Chiron,Aquarius/IC. Scorpio rising with Uranus conjunct ascendant with a guy once. Some people with their natal Neptune conjunct the . Oppositions In Synastry: Shot In The Chest By A Whore! So we looked super-duper intelligent and like we were fulfilling our destinies (and this was remarked on more than once). June 2021 I dont what to do about thatstart my own business? I have heard though that those with a good deal of water in their charts are more comfortable with the Pisces shift though. When Jupiter and Neptune connect, we deal with matters related to our outlook, spirit, beliefs, understanding, and perceptions. March 2021 Anthrax is a bacterial infection that affects either skin or lungs. Im just off the phone with a client whose progressed ascendant will move from Pisces to Aries within a year. In the best of cases, you can help one another to make your fantasies reality. Neptune is linked to the sea and currently strong in its sign of rulership, Pisces. It is a placement that brings about a capacity for abstract writing and speaking skills. Brainstorm: Neptune / Ascendant Astrology Aspects - ASTROFIX This Tarot deck combines a variety of different style tarot decks mostly derived from Rider Waite but still maintains classic tarot symbolism. Jupiter will spend the first part of 2023 in Aries, its a great time to start new projects and adventures, especially if you have Aries placements. The Saturn-Neptune conjunction is almost exact at 2 Aries in July 2025, then Saturn goes retrograde and makes its final pass in February 2026 at 0 Aries. Get your complete birth chart and learn how all the planets influence your life and personality.Start reading , Overcome pains from your past to give create a happier future.Start reading , Reveal the dreamy influence Neptune could have on your love life over the next 12 months. September 2020 January 2017 Neptune Conjunct Ascendant love Synastry ~ Psychic Influence - AstroMatrix Having had pr. January 11, 2013 by AstroManda. Neptune Conjunct Ascendant. When the sun is conjunct your ascendant in your natal chart, you have a bright and warm personality, which gives you charisma and a magnetic effect on others. Neptune in Pisces (2011 - 2025) - Beyond Beliefs. Taurus with Mars conjunct. The best part is you are able to ask any specific questions you have. September 2014 My ASC is @29 Cap (according to and my Saturn is @29 Leo. My progressed ASC is currently in Aries. Ms east go to and setup a free account. June 2017 Required fields are marked *. Share the story - all about planet Neptune on the ascendant "Say it's only a paper moon" When drawing up a personal horoscope for the individual, one of the first things an astrologer will look at is the rising sign, located at the 9 'o clock point on the 'natal chart' or 'birth chart'. I am now a progressed Taurus rising and sure enough Im seen to be as stubborn as a bull! The realms of Neptune require an understanding and acceptance of the non-rational, the fantastical, and the transcendent. It provides vivid and detailed modern imagery that can inspire and connect the reader with the deeper tarot meanings easier. Having had pr. August 2018 In this conjunction, Jupiter and Neptune will be meeting in the sign of Pisces. Like Uranus, Neptune is a slow-moving planet, almost twice slower since he takes some 164 years to travel around the Zodiac. September 2018 I dont think people see us as an attractive couple at all. O_o, How has the progressed leo asc treated you any physical changes ?? Leo ASC for a long time, it is interesting to notice the shift from pr. There could be big changes in your life and society as a whole. Neptune Retrograde is a perfect time to reconsider our dreams, our ideals, and most importantly, our future. Entertaining read for new and experienced astrologers alike. A couple with Neptune conjunct the ascendant is subtle, perhaps at times magical. We may need to re-evaluate our lives further as Saturn moves through Aquarius. Though its also opposite Jupiter in my progressed chart. How do you find the dispositor in astrology? a conjunction means that the numerical degree of 2 or more separate entities of the astrological chart are positioned close together.. typically within 8-10 degrees apart. November 2016 Perhaps you look a bit dangerous fits quite aptly. In a synastry chart, the Moon conjunct Neptune aspect is considered to be one of the most powerful and mystical astrological connections. Aquarius Ascendant Man: The Mysterious Gentleman - March 2019 Creativity, fun and games! Allow me to explain. Maurice Fernandez January 2019 Alzheimer is credited with identifying the first published case of presenile dementia, which Kraepelin would later identify as Alzheimers disease. Its great . You will need to be guided by your social instincts based on trust rather than facts. Aug 6th, 1957, to Jan 4, 1970. How do you appear as a couple? Though, I DO wonder what that p.Mars shifting to Pisces will bring. Extreme is another keyword for this aspect. . Asteroid HYGEIA | Maurice Fernandez North Node in Taurus, South Node in Scorpio. You're entering a period of time that will strongly test your focus in life and how you go about achieving your goals. I dont know yet how we seem to the public, we tend to meet up alone and quietly spend our time together. How has progressed ascendant fared you? Serious depth Neptune trine ascendant same wave length, something that softens probably the impetuous aries. Your Progressed Ascendant (And It's Ruler) | ElsaElsa This is both a blessing and a curse, it is a great challenge to exist in this noisy world if you are a highly sensitive person. Neptune in Aquarius still quietly whispers that separation is an illusion -- our past is part of our future and the future is soon to be the present. Piya on November 30, 2014 at 1:21 pm said: I had Neptune crossing my Aquarius ascendant at some point and it's still in my first house, though thankfully it's on its way out. Moreover, Uranus and Aquarius are related to scientific research. I moved across the country. From there they assume that Im with him because of money. French scientist, biochemist and bacteriologist, considered the founder of preventative medicine. Hubby has kids (I never did), and we game with them on a semi-regular basis, too. Quintile - 5th harmonic aspect. Theres not much info out there about 4th house stelliums in the composite chart but everything suggests that its intimate regardless of the fact that it is a friendship. We have a Scorpio Asc conjunct Moon and Neptune. This reading will help guide you in areas of your life and help you overcome obstacles and transform toxic relationships. I would like to better understand progressions and the roles they play when analyzing my chart. It is conjunct Vesta and will in four degrees conjunct my natal sun. If you have this aspect in your natal chart, you may be able to see outside your culture and your time with clarity, taking others on dream-like journeys to far-away . Overview: Neptune takes approximately 164 years to come full circletoo long to complete a cycle through our natal charts. How will it effect my personality? In your chart, if Neptune is well aspected will indicate a great inner sensitivity, to manifest . Sun (old ruler) and pr. Not sure what it all means. Neptune conjunct North Node. mollis inter appling codon paling Faucibus in hoeng, Download the free AstroMatrix Horoscopes App, What obstacles you may face in regards your work life, health and relationships using your Birth chart & Transits. Aquarius. Venus trine the ascendant couples tend to be popular. Sun Conjunct Ascendant. Neptune -- the god of the vast sea -- also rules the subconscious. My progressed ascendant is in the late degrees of Cancer. December 2015 April 2017 Sent 3-5 times a week. So, ive only been with (natal chart) virgo rising and leo rising, so i guess by composite chart, theyre leo and cancer rising guys? My daughter and I have an Aquarius rising in our composite . Beauty (Or the Power of Attraction) If Mars promotes athletic ability, Venus amplifies beauty, particularly when it is. Sign up here! Born on 18.06.1957 Dehra Dun India 6.40 PM With Saturn in Scorpio in the Ascendant Moon in Aquarius in the 4th house Ketu in Aries in 6th house Mercury in Tauras in 7th house, Sun and Venus in Gemini in 8th house Mars in . #neptune conjunct ascendant | Explore Tumblr Posts and Blogs | Tumpik October 2011 Shes fast and hes hideous. 6th House. Composite Ascendant in Aquarius. ahh! Some personal observations about Hygeia: The North Node in Synastry - Astrology Anonymous Introverted, pessimistic, you carry a load of guilt. This will be the motivating force that will pull these two planets together. People born from 1990 to 1996 have this major planetary aspect in their chart within a 5 orb of influence. neptune in 1st house or neptune conjunct ascendant natives are always changing up their appearances, beauty obsessed and sometimes the beauty standard, i've also noticed how celebrities of these placements are famous for their cosmetic surgeries. In Greek as well as Roman mythology, Hygieia (also Hygiea or Hygeia) was one of the Aeclepiadae; the sons and daughters of the god of medicine, Asclepius, and the goddess of healing, Epione. It is associated with dreams, inspiration, psychic receptivity and illusion. They look like fun. You prefer to exist in the clouds, floating above the rest of the world as you toe the line between fantasy and reality. Topic: Neptune conjunct Ascendant: athenegoddess Knowflake . Edinburgh, Scotlnad, 55N57, 3W13. 12 deg Virgo.Mercury is in Sag in the 4th,squaring the ASC,opposing the MC and sextiling Jupiter. Note For Capricorn (Rising) With Saturn In Libra, Full Moon in Virgo: March 7, 2023 Mutable T-Square Distractions, Saturn in Pisces: Defend Against Gaslighting, Sign up to be notified when the blog updates. My ascendant will progress to Pisces this month. . It also makes a trine with Jupiter and the MC, and a square with Pluto. June 2016 Neptune Transit 2022: Predictions 2022 As Per Zodiac Signs - AstroSage In 2023, Pluto will first change to Aquarius for about three months, and then return to Capricorn for a little more than seven months. Prog. Order now and get 20% off with the coupon code ARIES. Your Neptune in Aquarius grants you a deep sense of knowing that goes beyond what your mind can explain. Neptune Conjunct Ascendant Aspects Natal and Transit - Examples of Hygeia in the charts of individuals who have contributed to medical research and healing: Alois Alzheimer Ketu conjunct other planets - psychologically astrology I guess we look comfortable and stable. . Designed to help you in the 1 minute it takes to read. Rather than the usual confusion associated with so many retrogrades, Neptune Retrograde actually creates vision and clarity. You may instantaneously know things about people that you cant explain. You might take on negative energy very easily, so placing yourself in environments that support your growth can be really helpful. I dont have a handle on Virgo yet, really. Sent 5 times a week. I cant imagine what will happen when I move over to Leo sometime next year. Saturn Transits in the Houses Famous people examples: Justin Timberlake has Venus conjunct Eros within a 2 degree orb (in Capricorn) and square to Pluto. Since Pluto will be making its way through Capricorn, the cardinal signs. Due to your heightened sensitivity to vibrational energy, there is great variability in how you deal with such an inflow of energy. August 2012 Neptune is currently in the constellation of Aquarius. Uranus conjunct Neptune is a rare alignment that occurs every 168 years. Hubby was born an Aqua Rising (progressed to Aries)and he throws a fit if anyone tries to make him do anything. Im pretty sure we used the same calculations. Neptune Aspects. My progressed ASC is in Leo and the pr. Free Horoscopes charts, calculations Birth Natal Chart Online Calculator Ascendant, Rising Sign Calculator Astro Portrait: Sun, Moon, ASC Personal Daily Horoscope Transit Chart Calculator Secondary Progressions, Solar Return Synastry, Composite, Davison Chart Traditional Astrology Calculator Sidereal Astrology Calculator Various astrology calculations returns, midpoints, asteroids, fixed stars . Because of this I try to keep him near me at all times.. If you count the return from the moment Pluto is at 27 degrees Capricorn (the exact degree it was in during the countrys inception) most astrologers agree that the United States Pluto return lands around Feb. 22, 2022. Sun in Aquarius. Interestingly, her daughter was born with a Sun/Hygeia tight conjunction in Aries, reflecting her early exposure to health matters and the battle that ensued. Here we can play as masters of time, imagining our best possible outcomes and remembering that our potential is limitless. Suffice to say, Pisces is more alienated and disconnected in my experience than Aquarius. March 2012 Sun and Venus in Aries. I became more intuitive and more aware of deception., Copyright Maurice Fernandez 2023 - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED |Disclaimer|Contact Maurice, Mentorship to Enhance Your Professional Astrology Practice, OPA The Organization for Professional Astrology, Astronomy for Astrologers With Gemini Brett, (Published in the June 2019 edition of the Career Astrologer OPA), DESAFOS COMUNES EN CONSULTAS ASTROLGICAS, CIVILIZACIN ASTROLGICA: EL FUTUTRO DE LA ASTROLOGA, Same Chart Different Souls: The Astrology of Twins, Summer of 1958 the charts of Prince, Michael Jackson, Madonna, Kate Bush, 2020 US Election Analysis by Astrologer Maurice Fernandez, Our brains are wired to reject uncertainty.