If you try it and you dont like it, you can have some mulled wine. Roy snorted at the way Deborah spoke to her like she was a five year old refusing to try broccoli and Rebecca stuck out her tongue at him. Rebecca was listening in to Ted, Roy, Artie and Bert having a rather heated conversation about American vs British football, with Roy squaring off against Bert and Artie good-naturedly with Ted sitting on the fence, occasionally teetering over to the British side. So, apparently, He let out a shaky, nervous laugh and shrugged his shoulders dramatically. will go head-to-head with Rebecca (Hannah Waddingham), as she sets on taking him down. Youre kind and funny and generous and I adore you. She leaned forward, pressing a chaste kiss to his lips before pulling back with a smile, conscious that the door was still wide open. 3, Step Back in Time: The Definitive Collection, 20th Century Masters - The Millennium Collection: The Best of Dusty Springfield. But I wasnt talkin about talkin., Rebecca groaned deep in her throat and Ted chuckled, releasing her hips and moving his hands up to cup her face. The third season of Ted Lasso premieres on Apple+ on March 15. Actually, I wanted to talk to you guys about something.. But I also cant put them up in a hotel for Christmas, I mean if I have to, yeah okay. The sun was going down outside with the sheer curtains in the living room softening the golden glow that spread across the green as a light dusting of snow had started falling on the yard. The look in her eyes was a warning that said - not with your entire fucking family in the house though there was amusement there and he chuckled. Plus, He took a seat across the aisle from her, body angled out over the steps, facing her - leaning into her personal space. They arrived in the middle of the night, falling into bed in the dark, kicking off travel clothes and collapsing together under a quilt his mother had embroidered when he was nine, with their suitcases haphazardly stacked against the wall. This story . But if you look closely, theres a brief moment when hes on the field and struggling with a potential panic attack: His hands tremble, and the camera zooms into his widened eyes. Where others paced as panic set in, more often than not, Ted stood stock still. Bear's Den. It was fairly safe to say the all-knowing Coach Beard was aware something was afoot, too. Rebecca blushed with her cookie still between her teeth, glancing up at Ted. And her bedroom is still exactly the same as it was when she was fifteen.. They won the Premier League, they got married, they travelled, they failed three rounds of IVF and they were back with his family who had taken her into their hearts the year before. Do you have marshmallows? He spun around again and Rebecca intentionally turned her back to him to ready the kettle, starting to feel woozy just watching him. Well, theyre a lot like me, actually., Ted, youre none of those things. She squeezed his hand, reaching out to press her palm to his cheek. Apparently theyre not coming alone.. Hig Newton, always a pleasure, he gestured over his shoulder. Okay, yes, Rebecca smiled against Teds lips, throwing her arms around his neck. Whats with the fuckin tour group? Roy asked, stepping into Teds office, throwing his thumb back over his shoulder. Id have liked one though. Henry stood in the hall holding the box as she closed the closet and turned him back around gently, with her hand on his shoulder, guiding him back to the living room. That was Eltons party.. His eyes alight with mischeif. Can I eat it? He grinned as he lifted the lid and Rebecca chuckled a little, still watching intently as he set the lid aside and pulled back the delicate tissue paper. I dont want Rupert to see.. But just give me a signal when your arm starts to go numb. She winked, before following her husband through into the kitchen. Oh yeah, I mean, He took two steps to the left of her, then spun around and took four steps to the right, then spun back around. I love you. He breathed out and Rebecca slumped against him, her chest falling against his as she tucked her head under his chin and breathed in deeply. I think youve been Lassoed. He commented quietly, smiling at her as she glanced over. Keeley, Roy and Phoebe had left before the night had gotten too rowdy, taking Phoebe home to spend the few remaining hours of Christmas day with her mother, promising to see them at the game the following day while Artie and Jessie had struggled with bedtime and three small kids who were hyped up on the excitement of all their new toys, a rich, delicious dinner and too many candy canes. 'Ted Lasso' finale: Stars, producers explain the dark turn - USA TODAY For Your Reconsideration: 'Ted Lasso' (Column) - Variety Rebecca, youre up! Catherine exclaimed and Rebecca let out another yawn as she padded into the room, a sleepy smile on her face when she met Teds eye. Rebecca was already moving towards the front door, with her keys in hand, though she could still hear them. Im not exactly dressed for Twister, She had on a pair of red suede pumps to go with her green dress and a pair of sparkly, red pompom earrings Keeley had given her. But its not, this is Bert. Rebecca questioned, tossing her dress on the ottoman in the middle of the wardrobe and reaching for her pyjamas. What is it, Sausage? She blinked at her and Rebecca rolled her eyes, dropping her head into her hands. Breakfast was a rowdy affair. Its eggnog. Catherine added, handing Rebecca a glass and smiling at the exact same look of disgust that crossed the blondes pretty features. The lights in the Christmas tree and through the garlands around the room illuminated the space, as well as the hearty fire Ted occasionally stoked in the fireplace. Rebecca couldnt fight the blush that enveloped her from her cheeks to her chest. Tom Howe. A round of yes please and no thank you, sounded around the table and Rebecca was grateful to deflect from the subject. Oh, how lovely. What, you wanted to see if itd stick, or something? Artie questioned, fighting Hayes back from his own glass of eggnog. Dont start something you dont want to finish with my Mom and son in the house. He winked at her and Rebecca smirked, pushing against him until he fell back on the bed. Can I help with anything?. Oh, is this it? Catherine questioned, as Rebecca pulled into the driveway. Nora and I used to play. She hopped up from the sofa, using Teds knee for support before dashing from the room with Henry hot on her heels. Youre kind and funny and generous and I adore you. She leaned forward, pressing a chaste kiss to his lips before pulling back with a smile, conscious that the door was still wide open. Good luck, Ripper! And you. She winked and Henry looked like he was about to pass out. For you. She smiled and he caught a touch of nervousness there before realising everyone was suddenly watching him. She dedicated an entire suitcase to gifts for Henry, Jones, Jefferson and Hayes and he knew it wasnt so much the rolling hills of Kansas she was excited for, but to be surrounded by children. If watching the trajectory of Nate Shelley, the formerly meek now mean assistant coach-turned-traitor on "Ted Lasso," has made you uncomfortable this season, you're not alone. Jeff Tweedy. She tugged a little at her scarf, twisting her neck just a bit to try and cool her skin. Seven? But I wasnt talkin about talkin., Rebecca groaned deep in her throat and Ted chuckled, releasing her hips and moving his hands up to cup her face. Howd you end up owning a football club? But before she could contribute, Henry chimed in. Hey, He breathed, not noticing the way Jessie smirked or Artie glanced between the two of them. And Id worked out a good balance with the bed and a trundle in the living room to keep my Mom, Henry and I out of each others hair. Weve been together for nearly six months, but as Im sure you know, weve known each other since he moved here. Oh, they wont arrive until the morning, they couldnt get on the same flight as us. She took a sip of her tea. Say hello to your Uncle Ted. Jessie threw over her shoulder at the two boys following at her heels, guided by their grandparents hands on their shoulders, warm smiles all around. Ted Lasso Recap: Season 2, Episode 10 - TVLine Sure thing, Dad! Henry dashed through the group, back out the door to the rental car that was parked at an awkward angle to fit in the driveway behind Rebeccas range rover; the two younger boys hot on his heels. Rebecca stood there for a moment, clutching Keeleys jacket, just looking through the door with Roy standing next to her, watching her. That snake has deserved that for too long., Im sorry it couldnt be more, Rebecca., Its alright, Leslie, Rebeccas eyes drifted down to the pitch where Ted, Roy and Beard were looking up at the box with concern written on their faces. And shes here to see you. "Back home. Its way too much, my family, He took a deep breath with mirth dancing in his eyes. When did you get here?, Mum just dropped me off. The rest of Teds family were all seated in the row behind, shouting excitedly along with Higgins and Julie, when Richmond gained the upper hand. Merry Christmas, Ted. Jessie offered, pressing a kiss to his cheek as she followed her husband through the door. They werent scheduled for a Boxing Day match; a whole ten days wide open from the twenty-third to the first for him to take her to Kansas for the very first time and it had surprised him just how excited she was for it, spending three days hunched over a suitcase with her entire wardrobe spread out in one of the guest rooms as she methodically packed and repacked everything she thought shed need. I have seven bedrooms.. He was still fully-dressed, but he enjoyed watching her take off all her layers before he even bothered with his. So, when does the rest of your family arrive? Rebecca changed her angle, reaching for her cup of tea and hugging it in both hands as she sat on the edge of the couch, watching Henry with a little smile as he poked at the marshmallows in his hot chocolate with his index finger, watching them dip under the surface, then pop back up. Okay!. You and Ted, all out in the open like that. Inside the little box, covered by the little plush dinosaur, was a small grainy photograph and a positive pregnancy test. He turned his head. She sat in the owners box next to Jessie, with Keeley, Jefferson and Jones on Jessies other side - Phoebe and Henry had managed to convince Ted and Roy to let them sit down in the Richmond box on the pitch - and Hayes sitting contentedly in her lap. Well, you can top and tail the beans, if you want?. Roy grunted in response and Ted beamed up at him. I love you too, Ted. Ted mouthed a You okay? Rebecca tried to hold back her laughter, but the vein on his forehead bulged the more he tried to push back his disgust, before he was coughing dramatically, and pretending to gag. Several beers in, Beard still isn't ready to go . Something about us being able to speak English, or some shit. He pressed a kiss to her cheek as Keeley let her go. Keeleys and Phoebes in their hair and Roys, tucked into his lapel. Oh.. So whats wrong, then? She questioned, taking another step until they were within reach of each other, in the middle of her office, his eyeline just slightly lower than hers. Since nearly the very beginning of this adventure., Of course dear. Catherine gripped her elbow with a smile. SIGN UP TODAY Learn More. Jamie scored a goal and the whole Lasso clan, plus the Higgins jumped up to scream. He breathed out his nose and paced some more. He watched her as she grabbed her phone and her handbag and turned on her heel, heading towards the door. She still looked contemplative and it was making his chest feel a little tight. Home. Rebecca snorted a laugh, gently smacking his shoulder as Roy appeared beside them, Phoebe balancing on his shoulders with her arms out wide, singing along with Richmond til we die! dan4eva, CoffeeAficionado, FlakeOfEmerald, LeniChas, kira2127, mrswendypan, barossm7, Giadina02, Designgoddess, RedDesert, Spooky_Stuff, lolaughoutloud1, VaguelyPersonable, theodorewelton, twelfth_doctor, itsmetin, FKAscully, DL766289, JosephineMarch, peadbody_eve, shopgirl909, BrightBlueSea, DameLucyJo, AvengingAngeli, looksontempests, romanticoverture, cheesynoms, thisismysecondrodeo, asawyer98, saraabigale, brownie1, thababes, Oh_kaybee3, RachelKatie, frommybookbook, cartruck, wlwetcrnqls, Aenlu, devilgrrl, nerd_herd_27, Believe_the_unimaginable, NikPoppinsRN, Chibidarxel, a_caterina, HiItsElle, Pola335, mervvj, nic111, viceversa, SageLD, and 102 more users This is Rebecca, He took a breath. Dad wanted them ready for when you got up and he taught me how to make em!. Yes, Darn it, he was an idiot, of course shed assume the worst when she was the only one that could see his panic attacks coming before he could. Chapter 2 and Phoebe glanced at the side of Rebeccas face, looking anything but convinced. Rebecca couldnt fight the blush that enveloped her from her cheeks to her chest. 46 Ted Lasso Quotes - Funniest Ted Lasso Quotes - Country Living But like, He looked up into her eyes. Ted wrapped his arms around her, one hand pressed against her back and the other, woven into her hair. He's waffling over whether to continue a text exchange with her when the pub guys Baz, Jeremy and Paul spot him and start chatting him up. Pfft, no. Rebecca steadied him with a blank look. Consider this your (blanking) spoiler alert." The second-season finale of Apple TV+'s Emmy-scoring soccer dramedy (now streaming . Come on, guys, soups up! She found herself smiling as she watched Ted dip down to embrace her, before shifting around and taking over the cart laden with their luggage, making their way towards where she stood. I hired him, initially., Oh yes, he did mention that. There was a long quiet between them and Rebecca could just hear the older woman padding along behind her in her heels. Henry was still spinning on the stool, but stopped abruptly with his head jerking to the side when Ted rested his hand on the backrest and gave him a stern look. This way, Catherine. She gestured; both women heading towards the stairs in the hall. She spun on her heel, pulling the door open again to be startled by Roy, Keeley and little Phoebe standing on her front step wearing matching pink tinsel bows. The room was covered in torn wrapping paper, ribbons and half-eaten packets of Christmas candy by the time Catherine handed Rebecca a small package that had been tucked right under the tree, with a smile between them Ted couldnt quite name. s. Tony Von Pervieux. Teds eyes were set on her, attempting to assure her with his smile. So, apparently, He let out a shaky, nervous laugh and shrugged his shoulders dramatically. Ted sighed around a smile and a nervous little shrug. Theyd often been mistaken for brothers, the way they resembled each other as well as their similar manners and how, as kids, they had been inseparable. I just got off the phone with my Mom. He glanced at her, scoping out her reaction. Good, you had me worried there.. Ive had it before and I quite like it. But theyd come to grips with it; mostly because Ted had refused to not see her outside of work for a whole two weeks, just because his mother was in town. Rebecca was nervous; had been since his mother had assured shed accompany Henry over for the holidays. As you know, shes headed over here with Henry for the holidays.. But have you met you?. He turned his head. Aug. 13, 2021 10:36 . Us, Roy gestured between them before he started counting on his fingers. Well, yeah.. Alright, alright, I get it! Heya Hayes, how ya doing? He shook the girls little hand before leaning around her to catch the smiling eyes of her mother, whose skin was a few shades darker, her corkscrew curls pulled back from her face with a bright yellow headwrap covered in daisies. SEE ON WB SHOP. You dont have to.. . Hes probably my favourite cousin and his wife Jessie, man, shes a knockout, He blanched, suddenly holding up his hands to forestall Rebeccas response at how the words had come out. Sorry, He breathed out. He started off as a soft-spoken assistant but morphed into an egomaniac once he became a coach. Roy tilted his head questioningly and Keeley giggled, watching them. Itll be fine. Thats incredibly thoughtful, Henry, thank you. His head tilted a little, as he watched her chewing on the corner of her lip. Im sorry, what the fuck? Keeley stood up suddenly but was yanked back into her seat by Jessie, who Rebecca was suddenly so incredibly thankful for. I think its about time you left, sir. Bert stood up between Catherine and Ruth, towering over Rupert and the whole box with his broad shoulders and rather impressive height. The Secret to Why Everyone Fell in Love With 'Ted Lasso' But seven more people, I just, His shoulders slumped again on a deep breath. Dont embarrass the poor girl, Teddy Bear.. Yeah, but I was gonna serve that up in doses, you know, a little bit at dinner, then maybe some time on Christmas day. She had a still sealed packet of Cards Against Humanity in the hall closet, but somehow considering it had been given to her by Isaac and Colin, giggling like schoolgirls, she could only imagine it was likely inappropriate for Henry. Hey, boss, He smiled back, albeit shakily. Henry, take Jones and Jefferson upstairs and show them their rooms, you boys get all the bags up there and then come grab some breakfast.. Im not gonna live that one down, am I?. We may earn a commission from links on this page. But Beard could see the tension radiating off his friend in waves. Work Search: Nora and I used to play. She hopped up from the sofa, using Teds knee for support before dashing from the room with Henry hot on her heels. Ted maintained a near-perfect calm until he hung up the phone. Oh man, I didnt mean, heck, Rebecca, I mean, shes real great, I didnt, I dont,. Im not gonna live that one down, am I?. Ted maintained a near-perfect calm until he hung up the phone. No, I never had a dog. She frowned. Well its just, my apartment is enough for us. He gestured between them and the touch of pink that dusted across her cheeks made him smile. Not exactly new. Ted muttered and Rebecca blanched, worried how his mother would take the news theyd been together for nearly six months and he hadnt told her about them. He wasnt ever disappointed to see Higgins, but hed made his way to her office in a rush, in a conundrum; in a near all-out panic, and he needed her insight or maybe just her hands on his skin, anything that would soothe the worry that had latched to his bones. Oh yeah, I mean, He took two steps to the left of her, then spun around and took four steps to the right, then spun back around. There was a little line between her brows, her lips pressed a touch tighter together and though she seemed calm, her shoulders were pulled just a little closer to her neck. He could feel his heart thudding against his ribs as he skipped up the landing, spun around the corner with his hand gripping the banister and came to an abrupt halt in the doorway - cheeks flushed, eyes wide, breathless - when he noticed Higgins sitting opposite Rebecca at her desk. Its a home game, thank goodness; because beating Rupert in her home stadium was going to be such a wonderful feeling if they could pull it off. Come meet everyone. He could feel her nails digging into his palm, but she went willingly, smiling kindly as he introduced her to everyone in turn. The little head of tight brown ringlets bouncing between them as she hugged Hayes close to her chest. Come and stay with me.. I know what you meant, Ted. Of course she did, because she got him. Yeah, Sassy. I dont know who you are, but youre amazing! Its your biscuits, Rebecca! Henry declared. She and Ted had only been together for three months at the time, and it was just shy of six months now. Higgins.. What surprised her, was the way her fingers twitched and her heart pulled her to take a step, to move towards them, to be involved. Rebecca turned around to him, sitting down beside him on the rich leather sofa, tucking one of her Christmas-sock covered feet under his thigh as she dropped the gift in his lap, before wrapping her arm around her knee. Oh, and what a cute little one, Rupert crowed, leaning over to poke Hayes gently in the belly. Ted frowned, pulling it from the box with a look of amusement as he spotted the little backpack on its back. Oh? The older woman questioned, with a touch of mirth in her eyes, glancing between Ted and Rebecca with a knowing smile, studying the younger woman who stood on the other side of the rail, twisting her hands together nervously. 83 guests Its alright, Henry. Oh, Darling, you of all people know the game can change on a dime., Didnt Ted win a bet that said you werent allowed in the owners box?, Come now, Darling, I just wanted to say hi.. He watched her kick off her heels in the doorway to the closet, holding the frame of one of the cabinets to keep her steady before padding through the large room with bare feet as she tugged at the zipper down the side of her dress. 'Ted Lasso' Season 2 finale: How Nate shocker came together - Los So my Aunt, Uncle, my cousin and his family, are all coming along for the ride. He took another deep breath before adding. Weve been together for nearly six months, but as Im sure you know, weve known each other since he moved here. Seeing the World Through Ted Lasso's Eyes With Jason Sudeikis s. Marcus Mumford. Just try it, Sausage. They were promoted back to the Premier League, theyd beaten West Ham in front of Ruperts face, they were engaged - now, he thought, hed just have to get to work on the last thing she wanted. Phoebe continued to stare up at him, her little mouth drooping open. Sir Paul McCartney knows my name? The wonder in his eyes made her smile. The second season of Ted Lasso has been critiqued and criticized as much as it has been praised. Come all the way from the States to see the great Ted Lasso lose then? He smirked and Rebecca was jostled a little as Jessie reached over her shoulder to grasp Catherines arm. He twisted his hands together in front of him. Dont want our breakfast buffet to get cold. Ted shouted over the group huddled in the hall. If You Love TED LASSO, Read These 12 Romance Books - BOOK RIOT Okay. She breathed out quietly, a little nervous, adjusting her skirt as she turned around on the spot. And its blue.. What? He questioned and she turned to him quickly, blinking. Impassive. Song The boys parted for her, moving out of her way as her coat flapped behind her, clearing a direct path to the gaffer who jogged to meet her, his arms out wide as the crowds cheers seemed to only get louder. I dont know why we worried about the cousins coming., This isnt my place, Mom, Ted commented, hopping out of the car and giving Henrys hand a tug to help him down. And gosh, he could kiss her for it. Her smile was genuine and when the little girl lunged for her, out of her fathers hold and wrapped her little arms around Rebeccas neck, he was fairly certain she had been won over by the Lassos. But this, She gestured to the food spread out across the counter. Ted, She took a deep, shuddering breath. So you dont want to?, Rebecca rolled her eyes. And gosh, he could kiss her for it. 83 guests Ted didnt move, just stood there, hands in his pockets beside the coffee table, worry set between his brows as he studied her.
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