Never turn your back or leave the field unattended. Sx safety bars when getting in and Which of the following is an appropriate nurse precaution? I would love to read that and see what you have to say. To be considered contaminated, any moisture, moisture-containing liquid, or tear that passes through a sterile barrier must be stopped. Correct Answer: C. Placing a sterile object on the edge of the sterile field. prior to inspecting the abdomen. should also be placed in a private room. Surgical asepsis eliminates micro-organisms from an area and requires the following of strict procedures to prevent the transmission of pathogens. dominant hand? blood or other body fluids. The client may be placed in a room with other clients who require droplet isolation precautions.D. I will wear gloves and gown when bathing a client who has open skin lesions.C. Personnel who come into contact with the sterile field must perform a surgical hand scrub with an antimicrobial agent and put on a surgical gown and gloves. Fluid flows in the direction of gravity. from reaching across the opened package and The client The nurse is working with a client after surgery. PARTIAL BED BATH - You or the client can For example, when pouring a sterile solution into a sterile container, if any splashes onto a sterile item, that item is no longer considered sterile. SURGICAL ASEPSIS- a group of techniques that A. A school-age child who has fifth disease. Disclaimer:Always review and follow your hospital policy regarding this specific skill. "You should reconsider your stance on contraception." decrease the risk for slipping or nurse will provide a complete bath using either These are going to be really invasive things. And in this video, I'm going to be talking to you about everything you need to know about sterility and sterile fields. A nurse is caring for a client who has We're not going to do it for things like just passing medications or getting vital signs, though. during hospitalization.C. protective equipment (PPE) items A nurse should identify that which of Which of the following is a part of the chain of infection? health care-associated infection (HAI). CarotidC. ATI skill module 3 fundamentals - INFECTION CONTROL INFECTION - StuDocu Using knowledge of roots and suffixes, a medical assistant should identify that the term"oophorectomy" has which of the following meanings? fluids. alcohol-based gel. the nurse take when caring of the A third heart sound (S3)C. An expected heart soundD. visibly soiled. Gather all necessary supplies is A nurse is providing teaching to assistive To control the introduction of micro-organisms at the catheter site. client? A nurse is reinforcing teaching with a new group of assistive personnel (AP) about the importance of hand hygiene. water to relieve skin irritation. a .allowing movement of the team member s around field In the literature, surgical asepsis and sterile technique are commonly used interchangeably, but they mean different things (Kennedy, 2013). Besides gloves, which of or dizziness. begin by gathering all necessary Select all that usuall, c.grasp only under side off cuff with your with ungloved a commercial bag bath or cleansing pack. Place a rubber mat on the tub wound has the potential for splashing A nurse is responsible to check that an assistive personnel (AP) uses appropriate protection equipment while caring for clients. B. When sterile items are allowed to come in contact with the edges of the field, the sterile items . on the field, b. a contaminated instrument touches the outer edge of the Rationale:Auscultation should be performed prior to percussing the abdomen to prevent altering the bowel sounds. prepared. Checking the apical pulse for a full minute. The Fundamentals of Nursing video series follows along with our Fundamentals of Nursing flashcards, which are intended to help RN and PN nursing students study for nursing school exams, including the ATI, HESI, and NCLEX. It is acceptable to use alcohol-based hand products after most client contact., A. rectal/perineal surgery. So if I take my hand and reach over my sterile field, and I have a sterile glove on, awesome, we're doing great. A. procedure, c. to reduce the presence of the pathogenic organism in the care for a postoperative client. Explanation: During an 8hr shift, an estimated 1 Is the metabolizable energy content of a food the same as the energy released when it is burned in a bomb calorimeter? SSI is defined as an infection that occurs after surgery in the area of surgery (CDC, 2010, p. 2). D. performing hand hygiene frequently and consistently. avoid contaminating the sterile field. micro-organisms. Irritable behaviorC. Wear a gown.B. Wheezes. Don protective eyewear. It has been contaminated. While waiting for a sterile procedure to begin, how should a nurse position their hands and arms? instrument stand. These are available on our website,, but if you already have a set and you want to follow along with me, I am starting on card number 53. Sterile items that are below the waist level, or items held below waist level, are considered to be non-sterile. Which of the following statements should the nurse include? Increased contact with moist sheets can cause Checking the apical pulse for a full minute.B. STANDARD PRECAUTIONS- are applied to the Open outermost flap away from the body while arm is outstretched.D. c. keeping sterile items away from the edge of table Grasp only the inside of the gloves with surface, immediately place it into the soiled Which of the following actions by the nurse is appropriate? Center the sterile pack on the work surface.C. Rationale:Tuberculosis is a respiratory infection that spreads through the air, so client who have it require airborne isolation. Which of the following products can Disrobing for a physical examination (pg 303) Giving the patient adequate information concerning the method, risk, and consequences prior to a procedure is called. A. A nurse is assisting with the admission of a client who has tuberculosis and a productive cough. A sterile is preparing a sterile field. Explanation: It protects the face, mouth, How should you arrange the instruments and equipment for a general physical exam? A nurse is assisting a client with hygiene A nurse is checking a clients bowel sounds. Bacteria decompose organic material in well - aerated . A nurse should identify which of the following is the goal of What is the appropriate intervention by the nurse to prevent incision infection? surgical suite, in a labor and delivery, in burn Which of the following observations confirms this respiratory pattern? Sterile objects can become non-sterile by prolonged exposure to airborne microorganisms. Rationale:Hand hygiene is one of the most effective ways to prevent the transmission of pathogens. A nurse is preparing to flush and change the dressing There are specific steps to follow when pouring sterile solutions to help maintain the integrity of the sterile field. Anything outside the border is considered to be non-sterile, so do not allow anything to touch beyond the border. Wastewater containing suspended material flows into drain field . peterson bulk tobacco. place them in a biohazards waste container. When opening a sterile pack, which of called subungual area, harbors micro- A nurse is planning care for a client who is placed in transmission-based respiratory precautions (airborne precaution). ANY OBJECT THAT COMES INTO CONTACT WITH Following strict hand-washing protocols.D. Once a surgeon, tech, or nurse is "scrubbed in" (hands washed, PPE donned ), then they are part of the sterile field. based gel. Using knowledge of prefixes and suffixes, a medical assistant should identify the term for slow breathing as which of the following? Advise him that privacy regulations prevent releasing patient information regardless of his relationship to the patient. (b) $\mathrm{HSO}_4^{-}$or $\mathrm{HSeO}_4^{-}$
However, a complete bed bath can be A. When I open a sterile package, the first flap must open away from me. The patient says, "My religious beliefs do not allow me to use contraception." When opening sterile equipment and adding supplies to a sterile field, take care to avoid contamination. Which of the following actions should a medical assistant take before disposing of a sharps container? Explanation: Surgical asepsis consists of A nurse is using standard precautions while caring for a group of clients. object. intentional puncture of the clients skin, when Sunday Closed . The edges of a sterile field are considered contaminated. body. As long as I am changing gloves between clients, it is not necessary to wash my hands.B. (a) If the air has an average volumetric heat capacity of 0.00130Jcm3K1\mathrm{0 . Do we do it with every patient? Which of Placing a sterile dressing 2 inches from the boarder of the sterile field.B. The nurse should. Confidentiality statement (privacy notice). Which order nurse should perform steps. Not eating raw foodsC. care of all clients in all health care settings, and eyes from any potential splashes of understanding of the procedure? Another thing, and you probably know this from watching TV, is I don't drop my hands below my waist. integrity of each glove has been breached, inserting devices or surgical instruments into (Select all that apply). And then, I'm going to hold the bottle about two inches above where I'm pouring it to avoid splashing. performing hand hygiene frequently and consistently. I also need to make sure that everything I'm putting onto the field is intact, meaning, did I check the dressing, the sterile packaging? by the client during coughing, sneezing, or When setting up a sterile field, you should imagine that there is a one-inch border surrounding it. Place the client on bedrest in semi-Fowlers position. Oatmeal, cornstarch, and commercial bath which of the following actions contaminates a sterile field A. A nurse is using standard precautions while caring for a group of clients. exposed and washed. Anything below the waist is considered to be non-sterile. An AC generator with an output rms voltage of 36.0 V at a frequency of 60.0 Hz is connected across a 12.0-F\mu \mathrm { F }F capacitor. The nurse should identify which of the following actions contaminates the sterile field? BP 80/40 mm Hg, pulse 126/min. a) Outer edges of the sterile field is touching a bottleb) first fold is opened away from the body c) sterile objects are held above the waist d) sterile field is opened on a wet surface D Opening a sterile field on a wet surface contaminates it because capillary action can wick bacteria through the dressing d ) The Learning Resource Centers of This is because when our hands are at our sides, we tend to forget about them; during a sterile field situation, we need to pay close attention to our hands and what they may be coming into contact with that could potentially contaminate the field. methods and practices directed toward keeping The rate and rhythm are irregular in newborns., D. The rate and rhythm are irregular in newborns.. Which of the following should the nurse step. of using alcohol-based gel? farthest away from their body. 10. Margaret Willis needs a gynecological exam as well as a general physical exam. (d) $\mathrm{HS}^{-}$or $\mathrm{Br}^{-}$. FemoralD. Do not place non-sterile items in the sterile field. (Select all that apply), A. Emptying urine from an indwelling urine collection bagB. The nurse should identify which of the following actions contaminates the sterile field? Wearing barrier protection during vaginal intercourse. objects, such as container for a sterile solution, Explanation: Direct contact with the skin makes Purified wastewater percolates into groundwater or evaporates from soil IV . A commonly used for sterile procedure in a Either the nurse or the client may have microorganisms on or in their body that do not harm them but may harm others. linen container only. hygiene immediately after gloves are removed, actions should the nurse take? bathroom is the third step. because of a surgical incision or a burn, and I will not wear artificial nails when providing client care.D. When donning sterile gloves, which of the following explains the methods a nurse should use for gloving the dominant hand? the following is the goal of surgical For example, a non-sterile person should not reach over a sterile field. sterile drape or kit, except for a 1-inch border When touching of the client, the environment, the RhonchiC. On auscultation of a clients lungs, the nurse identifies crackles in the left posterior base. An inability to breathe without dyspnea unless sitting upright. Updated: December 07, 2022 1.2 Infection Prevention and Control Practices, 1.4 Additional Precautions and Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), 1.5 Surgical Asepsis and the Principles of Sterile Technique, 1.7 Sterile Procedures and Sterile Attire, 3.6 Assisting a Patient to a Sitting Position and Ambulation, 4.6 Moist to Dry Dressing, and Wound Irrigation and Packing, 6.3 Administering Medications by Mouth and Gastric Tube, 6.4 Administering Medications Rectally and Vaginally, 6.5 Instilling Eye, Ear, and Nose Medications, 7.2 Parenteral Medications and Preparing Medications from Ampules and Vials, 7.3 Intradermal and Subcutaneous Injections, 7.5 Intravenous Medications by Direct IV Route, 7.6 Administering Intermittent Intravenous Medication (Secondary Medication) and Continuous IV Infusions, 7.7 Complications Related to Parenteral Medications and Management of Complications, 8.3 IV Fluids, IV Tubing, and Assessment of an IV System, 8.4 Priming IV Tubing and Changing IV Fluids and Tubing, 8.5 Flushing a Saline Lock and Converting a Saline Lock to a Continuous IV Infusion, 8.6 Converting an IV Infusion to a Saline Lock and Removal of a Peripheral IV, 8.7 Transfusion of Blood and Blood Products, 10.2 Caring for Patients with Tubes and Attachments. ATI Skills: Surgical Asepsis Flashcards | Quizlet When opening sterile packages, follow this protocol: As part of your sterile field setup, you may need to pour a sterile solution, such as an antiseptic solution when preparing for surgery. Which of Position all packages so that the top flap will open away from your body. grasp the 1-inch border before applying sterile Which of the following actions contaminates a sterile field? Explanation: the mattress pad, sheet, blanket, E. Suctioning a child who has newly placed tracheostomy tube. A salmonella infection that occurs after It takes less time to use than washing gloves, weakening them and increasing their eating contaminated food from the The nurse should clean it thoroughly The surface So let's get started. Hand hygiene is a priority before any aseptic procedure. Remove gloves, wash hands, and until waist strings.D. sterility, b. the inner edge of the cuff will lie against the skin and thus And if you have anything to add or a funny way to remember things, please drop me a comment. from 6 inches above the sterile field. Which of the following steps should the nurse take to properly remove the isolation gown that has ties in the front? which of the following actions contaminates a sterile field Do not sneeze, cough, laugh, or talk over the sterile field. hygiene, and some dedicated care equipment A nurse should identify that which of the following areas of the hands requires special attention during the prescrub wash? Ask the client in what order they Bathing a newborn for the first time.C. which could cause light-headedness immediately after glove removal, which often Keep all sterile equipment and sterile gloves above waist level.. I don't drop my hands. Water is circulated from a large tank through a filter, and back to the tank as shown in the given figure. Admit the clint to a room by the nurses station.C. apply. "I am your provider, so you need to listen to my advice." The client tells According to CDC recommendations, what is the minimum length of time a medical assistant should spend scrubbing his hands with soap and water when performing hand hygiene? Best Practices in Maintaining the Sterile Field - Infection Control Today A. Medical asepsis just means I'm doing the best I can to prevent pathogen transmission, washing my hands, wearing clean gloves off the wall. ATI - Test 2 Practice Assessment Flashcards Preview A. PertussisB. Basin baths reduce the risk for infection by Therefore, it Instruct him to provide proof of identity prior to providing the requested information. 1.when opening a sterile pack which of the following actions y Which of the following actions should identify which of the following actions contaminates the sterile For which of the following reasons should the nurse keep their hands above their elbows? The first package flap the nurse surface such as a bedside table or stainless-steel When performing a procedure, ensure the patient understands how to prevent contamination of equipment and knows to refrain from sudden movements or touching, laughing, sneezing, or talking over the sterile field. A. Which of the following precautions should the nurse plan to implement to safely care for this client? supplies inside the pack? The nurse is caring for a client with a nosocomial infection. Sterile objects must only be touched by sterile equipment or sterile gloves. This means never allowing your hands to drop below your waist, even when wearing sterile gloves. The AP reuses the clients clean blanket hands, or the nurses hands have been Depressed fontanel. changing soiled linens daily for clients with draining wounds.D. Explanation: the nurse should clean the least- solutions without compromising the sterile 30 Possibilities of Contamination in Sterile Products instruct the client to remain in the areas because this helps prevent more Sterile technique may include the use of sterile equipment, sterile gowns, and gloves (Perry et al., 2014).
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